Acum ceva vreme am avut un concurs. Iata ca a venit si vremea castigatorilor nostri 😀 M-am intalnit saptamana trecuta cu un frate mai mic simpatic si pus pe sotii, cu o sora mai mare eleganta si sensibila, si cu o mama frumoasa si plina de viata. Ne-am plimbat, discutat si jucat vreo ora prin parc. Ce a iesit, vedeti mai jos 🙂

Andra and the kidz - web-33Andra and the kidz - web-11Andra and the kidz - web-13Andra and the kidz - web-23Andra and the kidz - web-19Andra and the kidz - web-5 Andra and the kidz - web-25 Andra and the kidz - web-26 Andra and the kidz - web-27 Andra and the kidz - web-3Andra and the kidz - web-30 Andra and the kidz - web-9

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