Cristina si Liviu – cununie civila

Buuuun. In perioada asta imi iau foarte putine angajamente. Pe motiv de douazecisiceva de chile de copii 😀 Sunt in “concediu”, cum s-ar zice. Dar sunt unele cereri care nu se pot, pur si simplu, refuza 😀 pe motiv de multi ani de prietenie in spate, multe examene si baute si jocuri de whist la […]

Mariana and Stuart – pre-wedding engagement session

Well, well, well. My very first post in English. Let’s see if I still got this :)) I was so nervous about this session, I cannot emphasize enough. I was going to meet the couple whose wedding I was gonna shoot all by myself, in two days, for the first time. I was going to […]